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  • On the anniversary of the establishment of the League of Arab States: It is still a long road ahead, and the Palestinian cause remains the focal point
    Date: 22/03/2024

    22 March 2024 marks the 79th anniversary of the establishment of the League of Arab States and the signing of its charter on 22 March 1945.

    This anniversary serves as a reminder of the extensive journey and challenging path that Arab countries and peoples have traversed to fortify their relations and synchronise their stances in tackling significant challenges, both internal and external.

    The General Secretariat of the League of Arab States reflects on the extensive history of collective Arab endeavours and the pivotal moments it has witnessed, acknowledging both the achievements and the hurdles that still hinder the realisation of the vision of Arab unity and the attainment of the cherished national aspirations of Arab peoples.

    Since the establishment of the League of Arab States, Arab nations have opted for a methodical approach towards institutional advancement to foster coordination and cooperation across political, economic, social, and cultural domains. The League of  Arab States stands as the singular framework encompassing diverse institutional avenues for Arab endeavours, rendering the pursuit of Arab unity a tangible reality rather than merely a hollow political slogan or goal.

    On this significant anniversary, the General Secretariat of the League of Arab States reiterates that the challenges confronting our region necessitate collective action and concerted efforts. In an era dominated by blocs and recognition of major entities, Arab nations cannot operate in isolation; instead, they must unite to navigate the complexities of the global landscape. There remains ample ground for Arab countries to enhance collaborative efforts, leveraging the vast potential of the Arab nation and channelling its multifaceted energies – encompassing natural and human resources, economic capacities, and more – to serve peoples and advance their well-being.

    It is undeniable that the Palestinian cause continues to be, regrettably, a focal point for Arab endeavours — a cause upon which Arab peoples across the nation have consistently aligned since 1948. The recent Gaza war, which unveiled the egregiousness of the occupation beyond comprehension and exposed the inadequacy of global norms, has played a reprehensible role in reasserting the significance of this issue among both Arab peoples and countries. This underscores the urgency for intensified efforts across all political and grassroots levels to support the Palestinians, bolster their resilience on their homeland, alleviate their suffering, and offer solace in the face of the brutality and inhumanity of the occupation. It also underscores the imperative of realising their right to establish an independent state based on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

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