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  • Ambassador Ahmed Rashid Khattabi, Assistant Secretary-General and head of the Media and Communication Sector, met with the Minister of Information of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Ramzan bin Abdullah Al-Nuaimi, via videoconference, to dicuss arrangements fo
    Date: 21/05/2024

    Ambassador Ahmed Rashid Khattabi, Assistant Secretary-General and head of the Media and Communication Sector, met with the Minister of Information of the Kingdom of Bahrain, Dr. Ramzan bin Abdullah Al-Nuaimi, via videoconference.

    The meeting focused on arrangements for the upcoming 54th session of the Council of Arab Information Ministers, scheduled to take place from 27 to 29 May 2024 following the recent Arab Summit in Manama. The summit issued resolutions addressing various strategic, political, and developmental issues pertinent to the Arab region and explored ways to enhance Arab cooperation mechanisms, including the ongoing media support for the Palestinian cause, considering the current developments and the repercussions of Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip.

    The meeting reviewed the draft agenda approved by the Executive Office of the Council of Arab Information Ministers during its 18th session on 24 December 2023, in the State of Libya. The agenda includes various items aimed at developing and enriching the comprehensive and diverse Arab media system based on proposed projects. Key items include the implementation of the Arab Media Strategy to Combat Terrorism, approved by the Bahrain Summit. Other significant topics are the media map for sustainable development 2030, environmental media, educational media, enhancing the status of women in the media, and encouraging capacity development through artificial intelligence applications.

    Additionally, the agenda comprises the General Secretariat's proposal to develop a charter for Arab media honour by incorporating the electoral dimension. This involves the use of media in electoral campaigns, respecting the rules of pluralism, transparency, and neutrality, and preventing defamation based on gender, race, colour, or language. The aim is to align the charter with the effective role of media and communication networks during elections.

    During the 54th session of the Council of Arab Information Ministers, organisational matters, the agenda of the Council's meetings, and its structures will be discussed. Moreover, the winners of the Arab Media Excellence Award in its eighth session will be officially announced on the sidelines of the session. The award includes categories for television, radio, print, and digital media works focusing on "Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Media." Over 100 entries were submitted to a special committee of member states, chaired by Kuwait, the sponsor of the award. Beyond its material value, the award holds great symbolic significance, being given in the name of the League of Arab States.

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