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  • The participation of the Arab League in the observation of the Tunisian presidential elections scheduled for September 15, 2019
    التاريخ: 2019/09/15

    Within the framework of the Arab League's keenness to support and consolidate the march of democracy and consolidate good governance in the Republic of Tunisia, and in response to the kind invitation received by HE Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States from Mr. Nabil Bafoun, President of the Independent Electoral High Commission to send a delegation from the Arab League to participate in Presidential elections scheduled for 15 September 2019

    ​His Excellency Mr. Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Secretary General of the League of Arab States, sent a mission from the League of Arab States headed by Ambassador Khalil Ibrahim Al Thawadi, Assistant Secretary General of the League of Arab States, Head of the Arab Affairs and National Security Sector to observe this entitlement. To various Arab nationalities - except Tunisian nationality - in a number of Tunisian states. The delegation will arrive in the Republic of Tunisia on Wednesday, 11 September, during its mission, it will meet with various parties concerned with the preparation and arrangement of these elections, including the Independent Electoral High Commission, with whom the delegation will sign a memorandum on the rights and duties of observers, in accordance, observers will have to respect the sovereignty of the country, its constitution and laws, and not interfere in any way with its internal affairs.

    The objectives of this mission are to observe the various aspects of the electoral process in a neutral and impartial manner, including the candidate campaigns, the polling process, the counting of votes and to ensure that they comply with the laws and regulations of the State as well as international standards.

    It is worth mentioning that the members of the mission were selected  according to several criteria, the first of which is: high experience in monitoring, diversity of nationalities, with the exception of employees belonging to Tunisian nationality, taking into account the credibility of the mission.

    The Mission will issue its preliminary statement after the completion of the observation process, followed by its final report to the Secretary General of the League of Arab States, which includes its detailed observation on the mission and recommendations.

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