SDG Goals 2030
Source-United Nation

  • PEACE , Justice and INSTITUTIONS
    SDG Goal16 Peace, justice and strong Institutions

    Our Common Agenda calls for a renewed social contract including national listening consultations and the meaningful participation of youth and women (SDG 16.7) as well as more inclusive and networked multilateralism. The report proposes a New Agenda for Peace, which would include reshaping effort to reduce all forms of violence worldwide including against women and girls (SDG 16.1) and a new vision for the rule of law within the UN (SDG 16.3). It contains concrete recommendations to reduce illicit financial flows (SDG 16.4) and to tackle corruption and tax evasion (SDG 16.5). Steps to provide legal identity for all (SDG 16.9) and public access to reliable information through a code of conduct on integrity in public information (SDG 16.10) are also recommended. As part of the Secretary-General’s call for a new global deal, it urges broadening of the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance (SDG 16.8).
  • ​منصة عربية لتسليط الضوء اعلاميا علي أهداف التنمية المستدامة 2030 ورصد الجهود العربية على المستوى المحلي والأقليمي والدولي في هذا المجال.

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