SDG Goals 2030
Source-United Nation

    SDGGoal9 Industry ,Innovation and Infrastructure

    A key recommendation in Our Common Agenda is to reinforce universal access to the internet as a human right, which will be taken forward as part of discussions on the proposed Global Digital Compact. In addition, the report draws attention to the need to shore up our infrastructure to be resilient to climate change, with a particular need for increased adaptation support for developing countries (SDG 9.5, 9.b). It urges product development and access to health technologies to be accelerated in low- and middle-income countries (SDG 9.5) and for more flexible research and development incentives to foster innovation and trade (SDG 9.5).
  • ​منصة عربية لتسليط الضوء اعلاميا علي أهداف التنمية المستدامة 2030 ورصد الجهود العربية على المستوى المحلي والأقليمي والدولي في هذا المجال.

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